Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spicin' things up a bit!

So I know, about every 6 months or so I announce, "This time I'm gonna do this blog for REAL!!" and then after about 4 posts things fizzle out... whatever, once again I am going to try and get this thing rolling. Hopefully with a bunch of original content and tutorials (yay for tutorials!!).

I have been going through a stage of personal growth lately and really feel the need to get my shit together. Me, the stuff I make, and my silly blog are not going to be *magically* discovered so I need to grit my teeth and get to work. Besides, working a 9-5 desk job is k i l l i n g me. I really need to just work for myself and I am not going to ever be able to do that without a little blood, sweat, and tears.

So here are my resolutions as of late:
  1. Buy the bulk of my produce at the farmers market
  2. Eat less sugar
  3. Make a "5 things to accomplish this week" list and actually accomplish all 5
  4. Watch less TV (my landlord provides free basic cable, both a blessing and a curse)
  5. Within the next year transition from full-time job/part-time self-employed to full-time self-employed/part-time job
  6. And some other boring crap I won't get into here
Anyway, let's do this thing!

And I made baked eggs for the first time tonight. I guess baked eggs are the new poached eggs or whatever.

First I made cauliflower gratin (roasted cauliflower/some other crap + food-processor), baked an egg on top, and put some kale chips and hot sauce in there for good measure. Delish! The picture looks kinda gross, but I swear it was good. I baked the eggs in two vintage Le Creuset "French ovens" I picked up at the thrift store for a whopping $2.99! For both!! I love thrifting!

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